God is Great and Glorious
childhood is identical to the mosque, madrassa, and the beautiful play like most other kids.
1996, at the age of 6 years, that's the first year I entered kindergarten dharma wanita.setahun ago, I entered elementary school at age 7 tahun.waktu consecutive passes that class rank I get with the quarter system are as follows:
class : I II III IV V VI
RANK : 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 7 3
30 June 2002, that's graduation date SD.Continue into SMP, I attended the MTS plus RADEN PAKU Trenggalek with public schools and this is where preses pondok.This based beginning level of life called "adulthood" begins.
School systems that follow the two curricula, the general (morning) and a modern cottage (afternoon) to make the discipline of living is so high.
A good start, in my first year the school ranked 1 (morning) and 1 (afternoon). many people are amazed with my progress, especially at school level soared through my name extrakurikuler RASCOME (Raden Paku Scout Movement).
Second year, in 2003 I started to find the term puppy love in school and outside environment is ranked second sekolah.tahun my class started to swell, which in semester 1 rating smester 2 ratings 2 and 3 (general level), smester a rank 2 and semester 2 rank 2 (level cottage)
Third year, a lot of stories that my juvenile delinquency through the years in sure, at the national final exams, my rating is as follows:
national exam :
1.Religion Education
a.qur'an hadith 9.00 9.00
b.morals 7.75
c.fiqih 8.04 7.00 d.history of islamic culture 7.41
2.PPKN 7.21
3.Indonesian 7.50
4.England 8.75
5.Arabic 9.30 6.80
6.Natural Sciences 5.60 8.12
7.Social Knowledge 6,81
8.physical education and health 8.25 9.Art 6.80
10.Local Cargo :
Computer 7.95 7.00
Total : 69.07 69.22
With the title of king bed (due in class My doing just sleep) I finally graduated.
Graduated from high school in 2005, I immediately went looking for my SMA favoritE.I try to register at: 1.SMAN 1 Trenggalek
2.SMK veteran Tulungagung
3.SMKN a Cruise watulimo
Name the last school took me wading frenzied life story.
12 July 2005, the date that I will never forget for the rest My life.During re-registration in SMKN1 watulimo, I experienced severe accident with a motorcycle which resulted in one of my best friend died .At then my position is as a rider.
Hospital Dr. iskhak into the inn for 26 days.
Short stories, without through basic military education, I could get into SMKN 1 Watulimo successfully because there is no school that would hold me.
The remnants of very severe depression that accompanies my life while in high school and a lot of grief, love and pain of life that I feel.
For 3 years in high school, my class is inhabited by all the boys who have different characters.They are:
1.Langit setiawan (Sukro, Tulungagung)
2.Yoga (Prigi)
3.Andi Dwi k (holifid, Tulungagung)
4.Angga Eko S (nyonyet, Prigi) 5.Andris great (ndoleh, Prigi)
6.Arie kurniawan (gumbek, written by Terri)
7.Arie nt (jeggol, munjungan Terri)
8.Budi santoso (Genuk, Prigi)
9.Budi Saputro (budheng, nglampir Tulungagung)
10.Edi saka s (Bondet, bandung Tulungagung)
11.Eko rudi w (Tulungagung)
12.Bustanul Firdaus (Mukri, munjugan)
13.Gus Dwi handoko (keduh, Prigi)
14.Helen kurniawan (gendon, Terri)
15.Heri Febrianto (mepet, karanggandhu trenngalek)
16.Imam Maksum (Jauzi, watulimo)
17.Iwan santoso (Sanchong, Trenggalek)
18.Erik setyo (late) (irek.tulungagung)
19.Jenny ibnu h (boiren, karanggagndhu)
20.Noplis pabriadi (Ladi, Prigi)
21.Pratama hary m (twanging sound, Prigi)
22.Pradewa yunian g (Wesi, Prigi)
23.Khoirul anam (kebo, Prigi)
24.Rendi Ranto s (latef, munjungan)
25.Renaldi tri c (kecot, gemaharjo watulimo)
26.Shony ashari a (drum, Sawahan watulimo)
27.Yuli Eko Cahyo (j-timen, Tulungagung) 28.Wigih wahyudianto (Kathir, Tulungagung)
Juvenile Delinquency
The SMA expression in the juvenile delinquency acted , almost all aspects of juvenile delinquency me through, ranging from: _hard baverages
_war _ etc. just rob or thieves who have not and will never do.
not a lot of real love that I feel at this time, only 2 times the court, just it, I just love that moment live. ACTIVITIES
can not be imagined with reason, that picture on the SMA.Bad, ugly and Dark.all reality only in an already.
only one word for me from all the schools ranging from friends, teachers, gardeners and other "great ari". because all participants of the national exam were helped by my national exam scores, although eventually I quite ordinary.
following details:
1.National Test
a.Indonesian 8.00
b.english 7.00
c.Math 7.50
d.areas of expertise 8.26
2.School writing practice test
a. Religion education 7.98 8.50
b. PKS 8.31
c. Indonesian 8.30
d. physical and sports 7.02 6.00 (alpha)
e. computer 8.01 6.00 (alpha)
f. Entrepeneurship 7.41 8.30
g. physics 6.95 8.00
h. chemical 7.12 7.70
3.main competence expertise
a.plan of shipping 7.55
b.guard ship duty 7.98
c.using ship navigation equipment d.meteorologi and oceanographi 7.19
e.ship motion 7.44
f.ship building and stability 7.81
g.prosedur emergency and rescue
h.sea law 8.83
i. shipping comunication 7.96
j. poaching premises equipment operation 7.81 A Pahing Thursday March 02, 1990 with the permission of Allah swt germinated a baby boy from womb a mother and father named Mujiatin benama Basuni. A baby boy is healthy and normal was named Ari NT.That's the beginning of my arrival on this earth.
childhood is identical to the mosque, madrassa, and the beautiful play like most other kids.
1996, at the age of 6 years, that's the first year I entered kindergarten dharma wanita.setahun ago, I entered elementary school at age 7 tahun.waktu consecutive passes that class rank I get with the quarter system are as follows:
class : I II III IV V VI
RANK : 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 7 3
30 June 2002, that's graduation date SD.Continue into SMP, I attended the MTS plus RADEN PAKU Trenggalek with public schools and this is where preses pondok.This based beginning level of life called "adulthood" begins.
School systems that follow the two curricula, the general (morning) and a modern cottage (afternoon) to make the discipline of living is so high.
A good start, in my first year the school ranked 1 (morning) and 1 (afternoon). many people are amazed with my progress, especially at school level soared through my name extrakurikuler RASCOME (Raden Paku Scout Movement).
Second year, in 2003 I started to find the term puppy love in school and outside environment is ranked second sekolah.tahun my class started to swell, which in semester 1 rating smester 2 ratings 2 and 3 (general level), smester a rank 2 and semester 2 rank 2 (level cottage)
Third year, a lot of stories that my juvenile delinquency through the years in sure, at the national final exams, my rating is as follows:
national exam :
Indonesian : 7.67
English : 8.50
English : 8.50
Math : 9.00
Total : 25.17
Written school exam practice : Total : 25.17
1.Religion Education
a.qur'an hadith 9.00 9.00
b.morals 7.75
c.fiqih 8.04 7.00 d.history of islamic culture 7.41
2.PPKN 7.21
3.Indonesian 7.50
4.England 8.75
5.Arabic 9.30 6.80
6.Natural Sciences 5.60 8.12
7.Social Knowledge 6,81
8.physical education and health 8.25 9.Art 6.80
10.Local Cargo :
Computer 7.95 7.00
Total : 69.07 69.22
With the title of king bed (due in class My doing just sleep) I finally graduated.
Graduated from high school in 2005, I immediately went looking for my SMA favoritE.I try to register at: 1.SMAN 1 Trenggalek
2.SMK veteran Tulungagung
3.SMKN a Cruise watulimo
Name the last school took me wading frenzied life story.
12 July 2005, the date that I will never forget for the rest My life.During re-registration in SMKN1 watulimo, I experienced severe accident with a motorcycle which resulted in one of my best friend died .At then my position is as a rider.
Hospital Dr. iskhak into the inn for 26 days.
Short stories, without through basic military education, I could get into SMKN 1 Watulimo successfully because there is no school that would hold me.
The remnants of very severe depression that accompanies my life while in high school and a lot of grief, love and pain of life that I feel.
For 3 years in high school, my class is inhabited by all the boys who have different characters.They are:
1.Langit setiawan (Sukro, Tulungagung)
2.Yoga (Prigi)
3.Andi Dwi k (holifid, Tulungagung)
4.Angga Eko S (nyonyet, Prigi) 5.Andris great (ndoleh, Prigi)
6.Arie kurniawan (gumbek, written by Terri)
7.Arie nt (jeggol, munjungan Terri)
8.Budi santoso (Genuk, Prigi)
9.Budi Saputro (budheng, nglampir Tulungagung)
10.Edi saka s (Bondet, bandung Tulungagung)
11.Eko rudi w (Tulungagung)
12.Bustanul Firdaus (Mukri, munjugan)
13.Gus Dwi handoko (keduh, Prigi)
14.Helen kurniawan (gendon, Terri)
15.Heri Febrianto (mepet, karanggandhu trenngalek)
16.Imam Maksum (Jauzi, watulimo)
17.Iwan santoso (Sanchong, Trenggalek)
18.Erik setyo (late) (irek.tulungagung)
19.Jenny ibnu h (boiren, karanggagndhu)
20.Noplis pabriadi (Ladi, Prigi)
21.Pratama hary m (twanging sound, Prigi)
22.Pradewa yunian g (Wesi, Prigi)
23.Khoirul anam (kebo, Prigi)
24.Rendi Ranto s (latef, munjungan)
25.Renaldi tri c (kecot, gemaharjo watulimo)
26.Shony ashari a (drum, Sawahan watulimo)
27.Yuli Eko Cahyo (j-timen, Tulungagung) 28.Wigih wahyudianto (Kathir, Tulungagung)
Juvenile Delinquency
The SMA expression in the juvenile delinquency acted , almost all aspects of juvenile delinquency me through, ranging from: _hard baverages
_war _ etc. just rob or thieves who have not and will never do.
not a lot of real love that I feel at this time, only 2 times the court, just it, I just love that moment live. ACTIVITIES
can not be imagined with reason, that picture on the SMA.Bad, ugly and Dark.all reality only in an already.
only one word for me from all the schools ranging from friends, teachers, gardeners and other "great ari". because all participants of the national exam were helped by my national exam scores, although eventually I quite ordinary.
following details:
1.National Test
a.Indonesian 8.00
b.english 7.00
c.Math 7.50
d.areas of expertise 8.26
2.School writing practice test
a. Religion education 7.98 8.50
b. PKS 8.31
c. Indonesian 8.30
d. physical and sports 7.02 6.00 (alpha)
e. computer 8.01 6.00 (alpha)
f. Entrepeneurship 7.41 8.30
g. physics 6.95 8.00
h. chemical 7.12 7.70
3.main competence expertise
a.plan of shipping 7.55
b.guard ship duty 7.98
c.using ship navigation equipment d.meteorologi and oceanographi 7.19
e.ship motion 7.44
f.ship building and stability 7.81
g.prosedur emergency and rescue
h.sea law 8.83
i. shipping comunication 7.96
June 14, 2008 graduated from high school
To be continued ....http://www.facebook.com/#!/en.a.t2